Fall Allergies

Prepare Now for Fall Allergies

We love the sunny, warm weather here in southern Florida, but unfortunately it’s also a recipe for an extended allergy season. We not only get a longer time to encounter summer pollens, including flowers and grasses, soon we’ll be having to deal with the fall-blooming ragweed as well as mold allergies that arise from our state’s hot, humid weather.

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proper breathing

Proper Breathing Can Improve Your Life and Help with COVID-19

Most adults breathe incorrectly, especially when they are experiencing stress, whether acute or chronic. The effects of improper breathing may surprise you: increased stress, insomnia, weight gain, high blood pressure, anxiety, a weakened immune system, and fatigue, among others.

In addition, although the novel coronavirus attacks every part of the body from the brain to the toes, it typically first makes its presence known with difficulty breathing. And those who experience lingering effects from its infection also complain of long-term breathing problems.

So our concierge doctors thought we’d offer a primer on correct breathing. Not only will this improve many aspects of your life, but it will also help strengthen your lungs before you contract the virus and assist in recovery afterward. It can also help relieve the anxiety so many of us are experiencing now during the pandemic.

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Marijuana During Pregnancy

Think Twice About Marijuana During Pregnancy

As more places around the country legalize marijuana for recreational use, many people have come to accept the idea that it is a harmless substance. As with any drug, however, our concierge doctors want to caution you that it does contain risks, especially for pregnant women. A new study underscores just how risky it could be during pregnancy.

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lightning safety

Stay Safe from Lightning

Did you know that Florida tops the national list for lightning deaths every year? That’s why we’re known as the “lightning capital of the U.S.” And the southeastern coast of our state is second only to the Tampa area in reported fatalities. Finally, the deadliest month is July, which typically sees nine deaths per year.

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Is a Real Disease

The condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) has been getting more attention recently due to its possible association with the novel coronavirus. This is because a number of COVID-19 survivors have been experiencing long-lasting effects that appear similar to those of CFS.

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cardiac care

The Changing Picture of Cardiac Care

For decades, cardiologists have treated suspected heart disease the same way: regular stress tests, angiograms, angioplasty, and cardiac bypass surgery to repair defects. But several recent studies have upended this standard treatment protocol, so our concierge doctors at MD 2.0 wanted to share these new findings with you.

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