Addressing the Surge in Alcohol-Related Emergencies

As we observe Alcohol Awareness Month this April, our community faces a growing challenge that calls for immediate attention and action. Recent data reveals a concerning surge in alcohol-related emergencies, with a nearly 50% increase over the last decade. In Florida, the statistics are even more alarming, showing a higher-than-average rate of alcohol-related deaths. Our primary care doctors in Jupiter, Florida are witnessing firsthand the intersection of stress and alcohol consumption, which prompts a vital discussion on health, wellness, and community support.

The Role of Stress in Alcohol Consumption

Stress is an omnipresent component of modern life, influencing many of our daily decisions, including habits around alcohol consumption. Dr. Amber Stephens, a notable figure in the Bay Area medical community, points out, “There are a lot of people that go home from work and have a glass of wine as part of their unwinding process.” This routine, though seemingly harmless, can often transition into a dependency fueled by the need to escape stress, anxiety, and depression.

The ongoing mental health crisis exacerbates this problem, making it crucial for healthcare providers to discuss and address these issues openly with their patients. Alcohol, while used by many to relax, has effects on the brain and body that are far from calming. Alcohol acts as a toxin, and the body’s need to process and detoxify it can strain our biological systems, often worsening the stress it was meant to alleviate.

Strategies for Healthier Coping Mechanisms

In our practice, we advocate for awareness and education as first steps towards change. Recognizing the signs of unhealthy alcohol use is crucial, not just for individuals but for their families and friends. We encourage our community to observe their habits and reflect on the role alcohol plays in their stress management strategies.

Moreover, adopting healthier coping mechanisms can significantly reduce reliance on alcohol. Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, adequate sleep, and mindfulness are all effective ways to manage stress without compromising health. Our office regularly hosts workshops and provides resources on these topics, aiming to empower our patients with knowledge and practical tools for better health.

Collaborative Community Efforts

We believe in the strength of community collaboration to address these challenges. Partnering with local organizations such as the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay and other mental health services provides a broader support network for individuals struggling with alcohol-related issues. By combining resources and expertise, we can offer comprehensive programs that address both the physical and psychological aspects of alcohol dependency.

A Call to Action

As we mark Alcohol Awareness Month, let’s renew our commitment to fostering a healthier, more aware community. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol, please reach out. Our doors are open, and our resources are here to support you on a journey to better health.

In conclusion, while the rise in alcohol-related emergencies is a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges, it also presents an opportunity for change. Through education, community support, and healthier lifestyle choices, we can work towards reducing the impact of alcohol on our lives and our health. Let’s take this moment to reflect, educate, and support each other in fostering a healthier Jupiter.

Recognizing E. coli Symptoms: Guidance from Primary Care Doctors in Jupiter

In light of recent health alerts from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) concerning potential E. coli contamination in ground beef, individuals must stay informed about how to identify symptoms of E. coli infection. At our primary care office in Jupiter, we are committed to providing you with essential information to protect your health and your family’s well-being.

Understanding E. coli and Its Sources

E. coli bacteria, which live in the intestines of humans and animals, are generally harmless. However, certain strains, such as E. coli O157:H7, produce toxins that can cause severe illness. While ground beef is a recognized source of E. coli outbreaks, other foods like leafy greens can also harbor the bacteria.

Recent Health Alert

The FSIS has recently highlighted an issue with ground beef products from Greater Omaha Packing Co. Inc., found to be contaminated with E. coli O157:H7. These products were produced on March 28, 2024, with a “Use/Freeze by” date of April 22, 2024. Despite no current availability for purchase, there is concern these products may still exist in freezers at homes and food service locations.

Symptoms of E. coli Infection

Recognizing the signs of E. coli food poisoning early is key to managing the infection effectively. Symptoms typically include:

  • A fever higher than 102 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Diarrhea persisting for more than three days
  • Severe vomiting
  • Signs of dehydration, such as dizziness and decreased urination

These symptoms can develop anywhere from 1 to 10 days after consuming contaminated food or water. If you or someone in your family experiences these symptoms, it is crucial to seek medical attention promptly.

Preventive Measures

Prevention is paramount when it comes to E. coli. Ensure that you cook ground beef to an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit, which is sufficient to kill E. coli bacteria. Always wash your hands thoroughly after handling raw meat and before eating or preparing other foods.

Our primary care doctors in Jupiter emphasize the importance of awareness and prompt action if you suspect E. coli contamination. Should you experience any of the symptoms described above, do not hesitate to contact our office or your healthcare provider. Early intervention is crucial in preventing the severe effects of E. coli.

Contact Information

For more advice or to schedule a consultation, please contact our office. We are here to support your health and guide you through understanding and preventing E. coli infections.

The Silent Risks of “Forever Chemicals” in Everyday Items

In the realm of healthcare, particularly within the confines of a primary care office, our mission transcends treating immediate ailments; it extends to advocating for preventive measures that safeguard our patients’ long-term health. The recent revelation of potentially hazardous chemicals in commonplace products, notably in bandages—a staple in both medical facilities and households—brings to light a concerning public health issue.

Unveiling the Presence of PFAS in Bandages

A study highlighted by HealthFOX TV Stations uncovers a disconcerting truth: numerous well-regarded bandage brands, including industry stalwarts like Band-Aid and Curad, have been found to contain organic fluorine, a marker indicating the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) or “forever chemicals.” Given that bandages are directly applied to wounds, the implications of this finding are profoundly unsettling, especially in the context of vulnerable populations like children.

Understanding PFAS: The Ubiquitous Hazard

PFAS are a group of man-made chemicals notorious for their persistence in the environment and the human body—hence the moniker “forever chemicals.” Their widespread use across various industries, attributed to their water and stain-resistant properties, has led to pervasive environmental and biological contamination. The revelation that these substances have made their way into bandages adds a new dimension to the already complex narrative of PFAS exposure and its potential health implications.

The Implications for Primary Care

As primary care practitioners, our interactions with patients provide a unique vantage point to observe and address the ramifications of such exposures. The potential health risks associated with PFAS—ranging from hormonal disturbances to increased cancer risk—underscore the necessity for us to stay abreast of emerging research and integrate this knowledge into patient care.

  1. Patient Education: We must educate our patients about the potential risks associated with PFAS exposure and advocate for informed choices regarding the products they use, especially those applied to their bodies.
  2. Screening and Monitoring: In light of studies linking PFAS to various health conditions, we should consider these chemicals in our differential diagnoses and patient histories, particularly for conditions with obscure etiologies.
  3. Advocacy: Beyond individual patient interactions, there’s a broader role for us in advocating for regulatory changes that reduce or eliminate PFAS in consumer products, starting with medical supplies.

In Conclusion

The discovery of PFAS in bandages is a stark reminder of the pervasive nature of these chemicals and their potential to infiltrate even the most benign everyday items. As primary care providers, we are on the frontline, not just in treating ailments but in preventing them. Addressing the issue of “forever chemicals” is not just about responding to an immediate health scare; it’s about reevaluating the materials that come into contact with our patients’ bodies and advocating for a safer, healthier environment for all.

In this ongoing battle for health and safety, knowledge is our most potent weapon. Staying informed about the latest research and regulatory changes, educating our patients, and advocating for safer product formulations are crucial steps in mitigating the risks posed by these insidious contaminants. Our commitment to health extends beyond the clinic walls—it encompasses the world in which we live and the legacy we leave for future generations.

Battling Early Allergy Season: Insights from Our Doctors’ Office

As the whispers of spring grow louder, many of us anticipate the vibrant blossoms and verdant landscapes. However, for a significant portion of Americans, this seasonal shift heralds the onset of allergy season, arriving with more fervor and earlier than ever. Our primary doctors in Jupiter want you to stay ahead of these developments and we are here to provide you with comprehensive insights and advice to navigate this extended allergy season with ease.

The Early Onset of Allergy Season

Recent reports, including those from the Asthma Allergy Foundation of America and the Associated Press, underscore a trend that many of us have observed: allergy season is kicking off earlier each year. Over 80 million Americans grapple with the nuisance of itchy eyes, runny noses, and other hallmark symptoms of seasonal allergies. Notably, a Chicago-area doctor observed that tree pollen levels reached a “moderate” status as early as February, a clear indication of the season’s premature commencement.

Dr. Rachna Shah, among others, attributes this shift to climatic variances, suggesting that warmer weather patterns have elongated the allergy season. The implications of climate change, manifesting in longer and more intense allergy periods, necessitate a proactive approach to managing symptoms.

Know Your Pollen

Understanding the culprits behind your allergies is paramount. The three primary pollen types triggering seasonal allergies are tree, grass, and weed pollens. Early spring predominantly features tree pollens from birch, cedar, and oak, among others. As the seasons progress, grasses and weeds take the baton, exacerbating symptoms for many.

Symptom Management Strategies

Knowledge is the first step in combating allergies. Identifying your specific triggers can significantly enhance your quality of life during these trying months. Dr. Nana Mireku encourages individuals to be vigilant about potential allergens, setting the stage for targeted interventions.

For immediate relief, over-the-counter nasal sprays are recommended, albeit with a note of patience as they may take time to manifest effectiveness. Additionally, while antihistamines stand as a staple in allergy management, Dr. Shah suggests considering alternate brands should one cease to provide relief, although more data is needed to fully endorse this strategy.

For long-term care, exploring immunotherapy, available in shots or oral drops, can be transformative, addressing the immune system’s core responses to allergens.

Navigating Allergy-Prone Cities

Certain locales present greater challenges for allergy sufferers, with cities like Wichita, Virginia Beach, and Dallas topping the list of arduous environments for those with allergies. Awareness of your city’s ranking can prepare you for a more robust seasonal defense.


Our practice remains dedicated to guiding you through this intensified allergy season. By staying informed, adopting preemptive measures, and seeking appropriate medical counsel, you can enjoy the spring’s splendor with minimal discomfort. Remember, our team is here to support your journey toward a healthier, more comfortable season.

Could You Be Allergic to Your Holiday Tree?

What is Christmas Tree Syndrome?

Christmas tree syndrome refers to an allergic reaction that some people experience after bringing a Christmas tree into their home. This syndrome can cause a variety of symptoms, including wheezing, sneezing, coughs, sore eyes, and potentially serious asthma attacks. Interestingly, both real and artificial Christmas trees can trigger these allergic reactions​​.

Causes of Christmas Tree Syndrome

  • Real Trees: Trees like cypress and pine can accumulate high amounts of pollen from other plants before they are cut down. Additionally, Christmas trees can carry about 50 different types of mold, which can increase the mold spore count in a home by more than six times​​.
  • Artificial Trees: These can also be problematic if they gather dust, dust mites, or mold while in storage​​​​.

Who is Affected?

Christmas tree syndrome is more common in people prone to allergies and asthma but can affect anyone. The symptoms are particularly noticeable for those who regularly bring real trees into their homes during the holiday season​​.

Managing Christmas Tree Syndrome

  1. For Real Trees:
    • Hose down the tree before bringing it indoors to wash off allergens​​.
    • Shake the tree to remove loose debris and rinse it with a hose or veggie wash, drying it thoroughly afterward​​.
    • Consider less allergenic trees like fir, spruce, or cypress, especially the Leyland Cypress, which does not produce pollen​​.
  2. For Artificial Trees:
    • Unpack and clean the tree outdoors to remove dust and mold spores. Vacuum or wipe it down before bringing it inside​​.
    • Store the tree in an airtight container or sealed box in a dry place to prevent mold growth​​.
  3. General Tips:
    • Use air purifiers in the room with the tree to trap allergens​​.
    • Clean and unpack Christmas ornaments and decorations outside to reduce dust and mold exposure​​.
    • If allergies persist with both live and artificial trees, consider setting up a decorated tree outside a patio door or large window to enjoy it from indoors​​.
  4. Health Precautions:
    • Be aware of your asthma triggers and manage them if possible.
    • Follow your written asthma action plan and ensure you have your medication, especially during the festive season​​.

Christmas tree syndrome, while not widely known, can significantly impact the quality of life during the holiday season for those susceptible. By understanding its causes and implementing these management strategies, you can enjoy your festive decorations without compromising your health. Remember, if symptoms persist, consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment.

Understanding Different Heat Illnesses

As the temperatures rise during the warmer months, many of us enjoy spending more time outdoors. However, with the increase in temperatures comes the potential risk of heat-related illnesses. Our primary care doctors in Jupiter want you to be informed about the different types of heat illnesses to prevent them and to provide proper care if someone is affected.

1. Heat Stroke

What it is: Heat stroke is the most severe form of heat illness and is a medical emergency. It happens when the body’s temperature rises rapidly, and it can’t cool down.


  • High body temperature (above 103°F)
  • Hot, red, dry, or damp skin
  • Fast, strong pulse
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Confusion
  • Losing consciousness (passing out)

What to do: Call 911 immediately. While waiting for medical professionals, move the person to a cooler place and try to reduce their body temperature with cool cloths or a cool bath. Do not give the person anything to drink.

2. Heat Exhaustion

What it is: Heat exhaustion is a warning that your body can no longer keep itself cool. If left untreated, it can escalate to heat stroke.


  • Heavy sweating
  • Cold, pale, and clammy skin
  • Fast, weak pulse
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Muscle cramps
  • Tiredness or weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Fainting

What to do: Move to a cool place, loosen your clothes, put cool, wet clothes on your body or take a cool bath. If the person is fully conscious, they can sip water. If the symptoms worsen or last longer than an hour, seek medical attention.

3. Heat Cramps

What it is: Muscle spasms or pains that occur due to intense exercise in hot weather.


  • Muscle cramps, usually in the legs or abdomen
  • Heavy sweating

What to do: Stop the activity and move to a cool place. Drink water or a sports drink. Wait for the cramps to go away before you do any more physical activity.

4. Heat Rash

What it is: Skin irritation from excessive sweating.


  • Red clusters of small blisters that look like pimples on the skin
  • Usually appears on the neck, chest, groin, or elbow creases

What to do: Stay in a cool, dry place. Keep the rash dry and avoid using ointments or creams as they can keep the skin warm and moist, worsening the condition.

5. Dehydration

What it is: A lack of enough water in the body, often caused by too much sweating.


  • Dry mouth and throat
  • Dark yellow urine
  • Not urinating much
  • Feeling dizzy or lightheaded
  • Feeling tired
  • Dry skin

What to do: Drink plenty of fluids, preferably water. If dehydration is severe and accompanied by symptoms like confusion, rapid heartbeat, or rapid breathing, seek medical attention immediately.

Prevention Tips

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Avoid drinks with caffeine or alcohol as they can dehydrate you.
  • Dress Appropriately: Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. Use a wide-brimmed hat or an umbrella for shade.
  • Stay Cool: Avoid direct sunlight whenever possible, especially during the hottest parts of the day. Use fans or air conditioning to cool down.
  • Limit Outdoor Activities: Do strenuous activities during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening.

By understanding the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses and taking preventive measures, you can safely enjoy the warm weather without the health risks. Always listen to your body, and if you or someone around you is showing signs of a heat illness, take it seriously and seek medical attention if needed.

Improve Your Nutrition with these Simple Steps 

Nutrition plays a crucial role in providing the necessary nutrients for our bodies to function properly. These essential nutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Carbohydrates provide energy, proteins are vital for tissue growth and repair, fats contribute to insulation and organ protection, while vitamins and minerals are required for various bodily functions, such as building strong bones, maintaining a healthy immune system, and supporting heart and brain health.

A balanced and healthy diet, consisting of a variety of foods from different food groups, ensures that our bodies receive all the necessary nutrients. Proper nutrition not only helps to maintain healthy body weight but also reduces the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. On the other hand, a poor diet lacking essential nutrients can lead to malnutrition and various health problems. Therefore, good nutrition is essential for overall health and well-being.

There are several ways to improve your nutrition, including:

  • Encouraging a balanced diet: Consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. A balanced diet provides the necessary nutrients for the body to function properly.
  • Ensuring adequate hydration: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and other fluids. This helps prevent dehydration, which can lead to health problems.
  • Providing smaller, more frequent meals: Instead of large meals, consider offering smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day, especially for adults. This ensures they receive the necessary nutrients without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Offering nutrient-dense snacks: Opt for nutrient-dense snacks such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. These snacks boost energy levels and provide essential nutrients.

In conclusion, in addition to prioritizing good nutrition, it is beneficial to seek guidance and support from primary care concierge doctors in Jupiter. These healthcare professionals specialize in personalized care and can offer valuable insights and recommendations tailored to individual needs. Collaborating with primary care doctors can further enhance one’s journey toward optimal nutrition and overall health. By combining their expertise with the principles of a balanced diet, hydration, and nutrient-dense snacks, individuals can receive comprehensive care that addresses their unique requirements and fosters long-term well-being. Together, the commitment to sound nutrition and the assistance of primary care concierge doctors empower patients to lead fulfilling and healthy lives.

Staying Safe In Flooding Events

In light of last month’s flood disaster in Fort Lauderdale, and the fact that such events are happening more often, our primary care concierge doctors in Jupiter want to review what you should know to stay safe in similar situations.

Not only are extreme flooding events more likely these days, but here on the east coast of Florida we also regularly deal with the threat of hurricanes. And with hurricane season arriving in just a few weeks, it pays to be prepared.

More to Come

In the aftermath of the Fort Lauderdale flooding, Kevin Guthrie, director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management, said, “This is the second most-catastrophic flooding event that I’ve seen in my tenure as emergency manager . . . over the last 33 years,” with Hurricane Ian being the worst.

Unfortunately, with the changing climate, such events are becoming more common, both in Florida and across the country. Warmer air holds more water vapor than cooler air, thus intensifying rainfall amounts.

The National Weather Service (NWS) reports that flooding kills more people than almost any other weather-related hazard. That’s why it’s important to know what to do in storm emergencies.

Before the Storm

  • Be sure you have a 30-day supply of your medications—both prescription and non-prescription—on hand before the storm hits. See us if you need refills of any drugs you may be taking.
  • If your medications need to be refrigerated, talk to us about how to keep them properly stored if your power goes out.
  • If you are on dialysis, talk to the doctors or staff at the dialysis center about where to go after the storm.
  • If you use medical devices such as ventilators or oxygen concentrators, be sure the batteries are fully charged, and know where to go if the battery doesn’t work.
  • If you are on a special diet, be sure to have enough food available to last at least a week. And have enough bottled water available for everyone in the household to prevent dehydration. The rule of thumb is one gallon per person per day.
  • If you have service animals or pets, ensure they have enough water, food, and any medications to last at least 10 days after the storm.
  • Be sure to have plenty of hand sanitizers and hand wipes available.
  • Make sure to take all your medical paperwork with you if you evacuate: a list of current medications, a list of drug allergies, insurance cards, and contact numbers for your physicians.
  • If you haven’t had a tetanus vaccine in the past 10 years, see us now to be inoculated. During after-storm cleanup, tetanus bacteria can infect you from even a minor cut or scratch.

Driving Safely

Flash floods are caused by slow-moving thunderstorms, or storms that move over the same area one right after the other, known as “training,” because they follow each other like train cars. The NWS says that most deaths associated with floods occur at night or when people become trapped in cars that stall while driving in flooded areas. 

In April’s flooding, CNN reported that a month’s worth of rain fell on Fort Lauderdale in just one hour. Many of the city’s streets turned into lakes as two feet of rain left over 1,000 people calling for help.

If you encounter flooding, remember: Turn around, don’t drown. It takes just a foot of water to float a car; two feet will float most vehicles, including pick-up trucks.

One final tip from the man who helped create the “turn around, don’t drown” slogan: Hector Guerrero, formerly with the NWS, tells NPR that floodwaters can make it challenging to open car doors or windows. That’s why he keeps a safety hammer in his car in case he gets stuck in rising waters.

“You hit the corner of that windshield,” he says. “You can break it out if it has to come to that.”

Then head to higher ground: a nearby hill, a building, or even a tree.

After the Storm

Many deaths and injuries occur after a disaster. So here’s what you need to know to stay safe.

  • Avoid floodwaters if at all possible. They are filled with such contaminants as oil and gas, infectious diseases, household chemicals, and sewage, not to mention displaced animals. Water may also cover potholes and sinkholes.
  • If you’re using a generator to maintain power, be sure it’s far enough away from the house to prevent carbon monoxide from seeping into the home.
  • Do not eat any food or water that may have come into contact with floodwater. If in doubt, throw it out.
  • If lifesaving drugs have been exposed to floodwaters, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says that if the container is contaminated but the contents appear unaffected (i.e., the pills are dry), they may be used until replacements are available. Other types of drugs or drug products such as inhalers, oral liquids, drugs for injections, and so forth, should be discarded if they have come in contact with contaminated water.
  • Insulin loses its potency according to the temperature it is exposed to and the length of the exposure. Under emergency conditions, you might still need to use insulin that has been stored above 86 degrees Fahrenheit. When a fresh supply becomes available, discard any questionable insulin remaining.
  • Take care during cleanup. Be aware of downed power lines, the hazards of power tools like chainsaws, and the dangers of overexertion and heat.

Celebrate Earth Day With a Climate-Friendly Diet

As we prepare to celebrate the 51st Earth Day this week, our primary care concierge doctors in Jupiter know that many people are looking for ways to be kinder to the Earth without radically altering their entire lifestyle.

One way is to be more mindful of the carbon impact of the foods we eat. As an added bonus, eating more sustainably provides great health benefits, as well.

But you don’t have to make drastic changes to make a difference.

First, Some Facts

The World Economic Forum reports that, in a business-as-usual scenario, emissions from food production alone could use up all of the earth’s 1.5°C to 2°C carbon budget.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says that food production accounts for 20-30 percent of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and as much as 66 percent of water usage.

According to Scientific American (SA), the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that red meat such as beef and lamb is responsible for 10 to 40 times as many GHG emissions as grains and vegetables.

Livestock farming from cattle alone is estimated to generate about 20 percent of the GHG methane produced in the U.S.

In addition, a 2009 study found that cattle ranching is responsible for 80 percent of the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest.

Finally, SA reports that concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs or “factory farms”) can produce as much sewage waste as a small city.

The Wellness Advantage

In addition to the benefits for the planet, this way of eating provides another bonus: From a health perspective, plant-based diets are unquestionably better for the body than a diet high in meat, especially red meat.

According to Harvard Health, “an accumulated body of evidence shows a clear link between high intake of red and processed meats and a higher risk for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and premature death.”

“The evidence is consistent across different studies,” says Dr. Frank Hu, chair of Harvard’s Department of Nutrition.

On the flip side, plant-forward diets have been shown to support the immune system, reduce inflammation in the body, reduce the plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease, and improve the gut microbiome.

And, of course, incorporating more plants into your diet reduces the number of antibiotics you’re exposed to.

As SA reports, the widespread use of antibiotics to keep livestock healthy in the unnatural confines of those overcrowded CAFOs has led to the development of dangerous antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria that can make some common infections impossible to treat.

Different Approaches

As we said, you don’t have to go totally vegan to help the planet or your health. There is an array of climate-friendly (or at least friendlier) diets to choose from.

Vegans, of course, don’t consume any animal products at all.

Vegetarians don’t eat meat but may eat some animal products such as eggs and dairy.

Flexitarians are, as their name suggests, more flexible in what they eat. Closest to vegetarians, they do occasionally consume meat.

Sustainarians eat a mostly plant-based diet but will eat meat if it is locally and humanely raised.

Reducetarians try to eat less meat for a variety of reasons, including their own health, the welfare of animals, and the environmental impact of their food. They’re also concerned with the concepts of biodiversity loss, and their food’s impact on water supplies and food workers.

Climatarians, also known as “climavores,” eat less meat and only a moderate amount of sustainable fish, avoid food waste and “air-flown” food, and choose high-welfare, organic meat.

Regenivores’ diets are similar to those above, especially reducetarians, but focus even more on whether it’s ethically produced. HuffPost reports they take into consideration soil health, workers’ rights, the impact of chemicals on the humans involved in food production, and the treatment of animals throughout the supply chain.

Other Ideas

Kind of confusing, isn’t it? If you don’t want to label your efforts to reduce your carbon footprint but just want to eat more sustainably, Canadian Living offers a simpler approach:

  1. Eat less meat. “A 2016 systematic review shows that following a diet low in animal products has the biggest impact on the environment of any dietary change, reducing GHG emissions and land use up to 70-80 percent, and water uses up to 50 percent,” the magazine reports. Keep in mind that beef has the largest carbon footprint of all animal products.
  2. Eat more plants. For your health and that of the planet, focus on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and unsaturated oils, moderate amounts of seafood and poultry, and little red or processed meat, added sugar, or refined grains.
  3. Reduce food waste. Food waste ends up in landfills, where it generates about 25 percent of Canada’s methane gas. (The U.S. total is approximately 16 percent). Buy only what you need, and make a plan to use up leftovers as much as possible.
  4. Buy local food. This supports local farmers, reduces the need for transporting food long distances, and is more nutritious because fewer nutrients are lost during transit.
  5. Reduce kitchen garbage:
    • Buy/use reusable grocery and produce bags.
    • Carry a reusable water bottle.
    • Use beeswax wraps instead of plastic wrap.
    • Replace washable silicone bags instead of plastic bags.

This Earth Day, you can do your health and the planet a favor just by making a few simple changes to your diet.

For a suggested Earth Day menu, offers a sample here.

Live Longer with Blue Zone Foods

Of all the diet trends available today, one our primary care concierge doctors in Jupiter can highly recommend is the Blue Zone way of eating: fresh, healthy, unprocessed food, from as close to its source as possible, in meals shared with family and friends.

The term “Blue Zone” was coined nearly 20 years ago by journalist and researcher Dan Buettner in a 2005 National Geographic cover story titled, “Secrets of Living Longer.”

His team of anthropologists, demographers, and scientists had traveled the world to find the world’s longest-living people, and to discover the secrets to their longevity.

Buettner’s team found five seemingly disparate places where the people live exceptionally long, healthy lives: on average, around 100. (The term “blue zone” came from the blue circles the researchers drew on a map during their quest.)

The five places are:

Okinawa, Japan
the Nicoyan Peninsula in Costa Rica
the Seventh Day Adventists in Loma Linda, California
Sardinia, Italy
Ikaria, Greece

More than Diet

Of course, healthy eating is key to a healthy body, but the Blue Zone residents had more than good food on their side. Genetics, as always, plays a big role in how long anyone will live no matter where they are.

Other factors the team found the Blue Zones had in common were:

Natural movement: no marathons or gym visits, just long walks, hiking, gardening, etc.
Hara Hachi Bu: an Okinawan term for eating until they’re about 80 percent full
Plant slant: a preference for plant foods over meat
Grapes of Life: one to two servings of red wine daily (except for the Seventh Day Adventists, who eschew alcohol)
Plan de Vida: or “why I wake up in the morning,” i.e., a sense of purpose
Downshift: controlling stress, a sense of serenity
Belong: participation in a spiritual community
Loved ones first: making family a priority
Close tribe: social connectedness

Blue Zone Meals

The Blue Zone diet, which Buettner details in his latest book, “The Blue Zones American Kitchen: 100 Recipes to Live to 100,” is a cornerstone of the Blue Zone program, and closely resembles the Mediterranean diet, but with even less emphasis on fish and meat.

“The five pillars of every longevity diet, including the Blue Zones, are whole grains, vegetables in season, tubers, nuts, and beans. In fact, I argue the cornerstone of a longevity diet is beans,” he told CNN.

Legumes, in fact, are key, he told The Washington Post. They are rich in fiber, which is key to improving cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

“Figure out how to get a cup of beans into your diet every day,” he told the paper. “Just one cup gives you half of all the daily fiber you need.”

What Not to Eat

And even though the Mediterranean diet includes a certain amount of meat and fish, Blue Zone diets contain little, if any.

“People in Blue Zones don’t eat nearly as much fish as the Mediterranean diet prescribes, only three times a week and only three ounces,” he told CNN. “Meat is eaten only five times a month. There’s no cow’s milk in any Blue Zone.”

Instead, people eat goat and sheep’s milk cheeses such as feta and pecorino, he said.

In addition, “no more than three eggs are consumed per week,” he told NBC’s Today show.

“The Blue Zone eating pattern is 98 percent plant-based foods—whole food-based and high carbohydrate,” Buettner told CNN.

“But only complex carbs, not the simple carbs like salty snacks and candy bars and soda pop. You say carbohydrates and people are horrified, but the healthiest foods in our food system are complex carbohydrates,” he added.

Time and Place Count, too

In keeping with the other factors that affect longevity, sharing meals—especially with family—is another component. While our busy schedules might not often permit this, Buettner says it’s worth doing as often as possible.

“Families that eat together tend to each much more nutritiously, they eat slower, and there’s good research that children have fewer issues with disordered eating if they’re eating socially,” he told The Post.

And it turns out the recent trend toward intermittent fasting appears to have some validity. Buettner reports that people in Blue Zones tend to eat earlier in the day.

Okinawans, for instance, traditionally eat a big breakfast and a moderate lunch.

“They don’t even have dinner,” he told the paper.

And the Seventh Day Adventists in Loma Linda would eat a big breakfast at 10 a.m. and a moderate lunch at 4 p.m. “And then they’re done for the day,” he said.

Small Moves

Of course, there’s more to the Blue Zone lifestyle than just food, as we mentioned earlier. Three of the five Blue Zones are isolated, which forces tight social connections and a lot of walking.

“Walking is one of the best forms of exercise and you can do it without thinking about it,” Buettner told Today, suggesting that people think about adopting a dog as a strategy to encourage regular walks.

“We’re all looking for magic dietary pills or serums or supplements, but you see none of that in the Blue Zones,” he said. “It’s mostly small things driven by the right environment,” he said.

That includes social connections.

“We’re genetically hardwired to crave social interaction, and when you don’t have it, there’s a level of subconscious stress that grates away at you,” he added.

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