hearing loss will double

Hearing Loss Projected to Double by 2060

A new study from John’s Hopkins University released this month projects that the number of adults suffering from hearing loss is expected to double, from 44.1 million people in 2020 to 73.5 million by 2060. That is 15% of adults ages 20 and older to 22.6%, according to a report published by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The hearing loss studied was defined as “mild to moderate.”

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are nuts healthy doctor

Go Nuts! They Can Help You Live Longer

Your concierge medical doctors at MD 2.0 in Jupiter, FL, want you to know that nuts are not just for snacking on at parties. Several studies have shown that all types of nuts can help improve your general health. From weight control to heart health, and even lower cancer risk, those little tree fruits can make a real difference in your overall well-being.

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Can Grief Kill?

When actress Carrie Fisher died in January, her mother, Debbie Reynolds, took it especially hard.

“I just want to be with Carrie,” Todd Fisher said were his mother’s last words. Reynolds, 84, died the day after her daughter’s death, reportedly of a stroke.

Was this just a sad coincidence, or can grief really kill a person? Actually, it can, either quickly, as in Reynolds’ case, or over a relatively brief period of time.

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new years resolutions for kids

New Year’s Resolutions For Kids

Although New Year’s resolutions are sometimes seen as an exercise in futility, research shows that approximately 45% of those who make them are still sticking with them six months later.

There is nothing wrong with using the start of a brand-new year to turn the page on old health habits and create new ones. But while approximately 40% of adults say they make New Year’s resolutions, fewer focus on helping their children use this practice to initiate new health habits.

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aspirin a day keeps doctor away

An Aspirin a Day… Does it really keep the concierge doctor away?

You’ve heard the old expression, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Well, your concierge physicians at MD 2.0 Jupiter wouldn’t go that far; apples are definitely good for you, and are certainly part of the balanced diet you need to stay healthy. But if you really wish to reap a host of health benefits at low risk and even lower cost, consider taking an aspirin a day.

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Six Ways to Avoid Getting a Cold

There’s no getting around it: It’s that time of year. Even here in South Florida, colds peak through the winter months. And of course you’ve heard the old saying: “They can put a man on the moon, but they can’t cure the common cold.” It’s true. We can’t. So the second-best alternative is to avoid them altogether.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says that adults average two or three colds per year, with even more in children. It also notes that most people contract their colds during winter and spring, but that colds are a year-round curse. They’re the main reason people miss school and work, according to the CDC.

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